Where Will You Spend Eternity? [resubmit]

The author says:

This book is written for those who are uncertain of their eternal destiny. Many give little thought to what happens when they die. This books lays out the truth about heaven and what changes can be made to help one change the trajectory of their life if necessary to be sure they get to heaven.

[original submission and comments here]

Nathan says:

It’s a complete rework of the initial concept — complete with a new title — but it retains one of the problems of the last iteration: There’s nothing visibly Christian here.  While inclusion of a cross might be too on-the-nose (or not, depending on your content and target audience), perhaps something like a dove would give just the right Christian connotation.

Beyond that, your type placement seems random.  The whole top half of the cover seems explicitly designed as space for the title, so there’s no reason to crowd it over to the left.  And the placement of the description and byline seem like attempts to squeeze text into places not meant for them.  On those elements, my inclination would be to delete the “Not sure? There’s still time” text altogether, and place the byline centered across the bottom in larger type.

And that clock… not only is it squished for no good reason (thus attracting the attention of those of us who regularly complain about such misuse of images at LBC), but its shadow contradicts that of the leaping figure.

Other comments?


  1. Hmmm…
    Kind of a neat image but it’s connection with the book and its subject more or less eludes me. I think this is one of those cases where the cover makes sense mainly to those who already know what it is about…which is putting the cart before the horse. And even that is assuming that the image really does convey the book’s theme—which I don’t think it does.

    The fact, as Nathan points out, that that clock looks weirdly shaped and all too obviously stuck into the picture does nothing toward making the cover work better. Is the figure supposed to be jumping over it? Is there just to illustrate the word “time” in the tagline? who knows?

    All to say nothing of the figure looking headless.

    I am pretty sure that this would be prime candidate for my favorite test: imagine the cover with the text in a language you don’t understand or perhaps no text at all. Would have any idea at all, just looking at the art alone, what the book might be about? Frankly, I don’t think so.

    There is almost no point in discussing the placement of the type since I think that the image needs to be rethought from scratch.

      1. You could use any style art you wanted. you should pick graphics that match the tone of the book, funny if the book is funny, serious if it’s serious, etc but make sure the graphics match in style and that the colors compliment.

        it might be fun to use a traditional good and bad angel on a shoulder or maybe a scale with a clock in the center. You could make up some blocks/packages and label them Love Revenge Lust Friendship that sort of thing and place them on the scales.

  2. Hi, Debby
    I feel like you’re struggling to convey the content of your book on your cover.

    If I understand correctly, your book has guidelines or guide posts to help people along the road/path/way to heaven. So I took flagrant liberties to make this mock-up. It’s purpose is to help you widen your scope of ideas, not to make you feel like I’m telling you How It Should Be Done.


    Once more, my apologies for the liberties I’ve taken with your title and tagline

      1. Thanks, and nary a cross!

        I believe the author’s going for a “friendly conversation” vibe while my mockup is more…serious, I guess. But hopefully it will spark new ideas for her!

        1. I honestly believe that the new ideas that you and Shelley, et al, are throwing around here will help her. Like many authors, she has a particular idea in her head and it’s hard for them to shake it, ya know?

          Plus, I really enjoy the variety of cover ideas.:-)

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